a commonplace blog

I looked up commonplace. It’s a disappointing word. Commnplace.is anything but commonplace, if you do it right. Make a book with it and you’ll see. Commonplace books have been around for centuries.

“A commonplace book is a system for writing down and sorting all manner of tidbits: quotes, anecdotes, observations, and information gleaned from books, conversations, movies, song lyrics, social posts, podcasts, life experiences, or anything else that you might want to return to later….

 “A commonplace book might include some of the commonplacer's own thoughts and observations, but unlike a journal/diary, which typically consists of narrative entries written in chronological order, a commonplace book is non-narrative and non-chronological.”

Much the way most of us think.

’m still going through files, trying to decide what to keep and what to mourn.