So little time left in this old year and I keep blowing it away.
I began well, before six, before I swam. I started a chicken bone broth, using chicken parts a friend picked up for me yesterday, too late for me to start then. Bone broth, as you know, takes 12 to 24 hours. Normally I make broth after I dismantle a roasted chicken. I order the chicken ahead and invite guests. This time I invited the guests assuring myself of their acceptance so I could order it ahead. I have my groceries delivered (no car, no reliable legs). The night before my planned dinner, my guests decided not to come Only family can do that to you but they had a reason: Omicron, of course.
I roasted the chicken but Matt and I barely made a dent in it. I froze a breast and a package of pieces for a chicken stir-fry and made a glorious broth, with alphabet noodles. Normally I give away a lot of soup but I was stingy this time: only one jar for one neighbor who has had recent knee surgery. I enjoyed my soup and finished it too soon. I wanted more. It’s simmering in the pot now with another 4 to 6 hours to go. I’ll turn it off when I go to bed and strain it in the morning.
I’m back and I haven’t forgotten that I’m writing about today and how I blew it. Where was I?
This morning, in addition to setting the broth going, I cut up a pineapple (long overdue) and made a chicken salad sandwich filling, hoping I could provide lunch for my two sons—a rare possibility. Matt was coming by TTC to my place for John to pick him up and take him for his Booster shot on the other side of the city as far away from my place as Matt’s is the other way. No time for either of them to stay for lunch too early or to take it with them. My day was over at 10:30 a.m. and I had shot my bolt. I like the crossbow metaphor; it suggests the effort expended: Shot my bolt.
What can I say?
I’ll be back again…..
(I was invited for a glass of wine before dinner.)
I had a nap this afternoon. I tried to write some email, But I kept drifting off in front of the screen.
I played solitaire.
Too soon to go to bed. Too soon to turn off the broth.
I look forward to it tomorrow. I look forward to tomorrow.