Do you all know about Seasonal Affective Disorder? We, no—I—am in the midst of it right now, heading for the shortest (darkest) day of the year.
People denigrate Winnipeg because it’s so cold but they don’t look any further. Yes, it’s cold but it’s also bright.
I miss Winnipeg sunshine.
More anon. I have to swim now. Habit is returning.
But my muscles are taking a little longer. I was stiff yesterday afternoon because I do exercises in the pool as well. I’m past my due date.
That’s why I bought a Light—to be used in the dark of early morning to fool my brain into thinking—what?—that there’s no winter? Hah! That I’m in Florida? Nope. That it’s summer? Not likely. Well, just that for the thirty minutes I sit in front of the light, all’s right with my world. It helps.
A bit.