zoom time again

I was up to number 6 on the cons of ZOOM meetings in ascending order of dislike. Here are the rest:

6. They are very time-consuming. All summer and fall they cut into my baseball watching time.

7. Afternoons are worse: no work, no naps, no reading. I have to listen.

8. There’s homework. I take notes and there’s follow-up—the next day. An evening meeting leaves me tired and ready for bed.

9. Sorry, but it gives me a headache.

10. I really don’t like looking at me.



  1. I don’t have to go out to attend one.

  2. I can wear what I want, within reason. I’ve heard of unfortunate choices people have made, forgetting that all-seeing camera and the “galllery”.

  3. I can move around if I need to: stand, stretch, walk (bathroom).

  4. I can have water or tea, or coffee, or (one) wine if it goes on too long. Call it a Zoomcap

  5. Food, too. Not a meal but a nosh—nuts or chips or cookies—my choice.

  6. I can make comments and jokes no one can hear if I remember to mute

Well, I got to 6 this time before I dried. I am trying to understand me. Why don’t I like ZOOM?

More anon….