Komono is Marie Kondo’s word for the miscellaneous junk you have to tidy up. Actually, iIt’s number Four (out of Five) ,but number Three is papers, and Ive been working on that, as you know- for the last two years. Eventually I will label and send the boxes to the Archives at the University of Manitoba to join my other “Fonds” there (better than a family attic).
Kimono you all know. (a long, loose traditional Japanese robe with wide sleeves, tied with a sash; • a garment similar to a kimono worn elsewhere as a dressing gown) I bought one once in Japan, the gown supplied to hotel guests, for sale if desired.. I guess I wanted it, but I have scarcely worn it in the intervening years. I use a terry towel spa robe when I take-took- my (erstwhile daily) swim, and an LL Bean cover up for the outdoor pool terrace. My kimono is at the back of the closet. I’ll wash it and put it in the basement boutique, I promise. But not yet.
Komodo is a dragon. (The Komodo dragon, also known as the Komodo monitor, is a species of lizard found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, and Gili Motang. Wikipedia) ( Komodo dragons have shark-like teeth and poisonous venom that can kill a person within hours of a bite.) I’ve been to Komodo Island twice and the guides were very careful we all stayed together.
So—easy to part with miscellany, yes? Sometimes.
The sun just came out. I’m going to join it.
Remind me to talk about corsages….