procrastination is the thief of time

Who said that? Writer Edward Young:

“Procrastination is the thief of time'. Have you heard this phrase before? Well, it's an old adage coined by the English writer Edward Young in his 10,000-line poem entitled: The Complaint: or, Night-Thoughts on Life, Death, & Immortality, more simply known as Night-Thoughts.” Apr 30, 2019 (Online)

Years ago when I was fighting for my life to make a living, I used to go to various places, both private (baby-sitting dogs) and public (by application) in order to find enough uninterrupted time to write. At home I had two kids, , sometimes four, when two came home on breaks, to feed and plan for, plus a “social” life: mainly going to theatre to learn (and enjoy), and the odd dinner with friends (odd friends; remember I didn’t grow up here,no old school chums, no roots). I’m remembering this now, living with my son, as I struggle to find time to write. Is it because I procrastinate? It is.

“The saying has become proverbial, meaning that someone who continually puts things off ultimately achieves little.” YUP.

So this morning, I made bran muffins (with pecans and raisins) for Matt who was meeting a friend for coffee because I wanted to make something for them because his friend (ex-stepfather, actually) always buys. I had thought they were meeting in our Courtyard but they went out. I made extra muffins to take to a neighbour who just came home from rehab with a broken hip, and to another who is one of the sanest people I know. More muffins to come….I froze some.

Then I had to phone our Clinic because they goofed on an appointment Matt had yesterday, and I had to rebook and get it straight. Then I delivered the muffins. Then Matt came home and I made lunch( (avocado toast and homemade soup with orzo).Then I had a nap, really necessary today because the withdrawal program I’m on blind-sided me and I was very dizzy with wonky legs.

So then Matt signed us up for 30 minutes in the gym to work out a bit—we both need lots of exercise.

Then we came upstairs and I put headphones on Matt so he could watch some TV re-runs (he doesn’t read), and I could sit here and try to write a blog before we make dinner. He’s helping tonight because I’m doing a stir-fry and he’s getting pretty good at chopping veg.

Then I collapse with the news, and this week, with a re-run of a TV series I used to love: Quantum Leap, with the young Scott Bakula. Then I fall asleep with Jessica (Murder, She Wrote) and I used to put in a grocery order—very time-consuming—or write a blog. But we have found the Blue Jays again. Now that really is procrastinating.

So no blog.

And I’m trying to write a new book.

Well, you know, tomorrow is another day.