blog block

Two reasons,both valid. Choose one.


I received a book from a dear friend of mine—you know who you are—an unsolicited surprise gift, I mean, it wasn’t my birthday or anything. I respect her taste and love her so much, i was thrilled, and I began to read it immediately, and loved it and didn’t put it down until i finished. That broke my reading block—hadn’t read a book since March when we (my son and I) were put into lockdown. Lots of reading but work-related, and cookbook related (suddenly I was cooking three meals a day for my son, a temporary or permanent boarder?—depends on Covid19). Then I immediately read Anne Tyler’s newest book, which I had ordered and received some time ago but not yet read. The Redhead at the Side of the Road is not her best book, but i enjoyed it. And yesterday a book I had ordered arrived ad I started it immediately. The Little Girl Who Fought the Great Depression, by John F. Kasson, deals with Shirley Temple and the thirties—research for my next book.

Reason Number Two:

I think I told you, i I’m off the pain-killers since I started swimming again. I believe in exercise not pills. My legs and hips still hurt but I no longer suffer the paralyzing spasms of pain. I am still on the generic equivalent of Lyrica, originally prescribed for my sciatica before i was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease. Everything was conducted by phone, involving a three-to-five day wait for a consultation but I was finally granted face-to-face for X-Rays to discover DDD. Lyrica is pretty powerful and made me dizzy (fell a couple of times.) It is also addictive and getting off it is difficult, so I read when I looked it up online. BEWARE!

Another wait for a phone consultation when the doctor, not quite remembering my dosage, gave me some instructions about coming down. I began on August first, skipping my nightly pill. The next day was horrible. I i had spaghetti legs and a zonky head, just wanted to lie down and sleep. The day after i took the pill was sort of normal (normal being painful) but I’m swimming and exercising so I am getting better. The next day after no pill again turned me into a lumpen mess. Today was okay. Still swimming and exercising twice a day. Tomorrow will be hell, but I hope it will be a little better.

Anyway it’s all been very time-consuming. So no blog. lI’ll try to be better. I want to be better. I will never be fully recovered, I know that. I’m 89 years old, for heaven’s sake. But I will be better.

And maybe i will write a blog tomorrow.