today for sure

Pain is very time-consuming.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

I’m not supposed to spend too much time on bed-rest, though I would like to, as t’s the only time I’m free of pain. So I had to figure out what else to do. My files, of course! This may be my last chance to go through them. I’m sure when I’m gone or gaga—whichever comes first—my children will consign them to a convenient shredder. My son Matthew is still with me, for who knows how long? (I need him now more than he needs me.) Pick a box, any box. So, choosing at random, I came up with a box of files and clippings and tear sheets and ideas from the 1980s. Bonus.

Lots of stuff for the shredder I’m happy to say, but lots of other stuff, too, that I want to write about, ideas to pursue or comment on., too much, with too little time. Maybe i could make another list of ideas, for you to ponder. I’ll try.