Some years ago now, my then doctor told me I had sciatica and said “I can’t do anything for you.” But he showed me a little scale model of the vertebrae and the way a bone could push into the sciatic nerve, and that’s when I added pool exercises to my morning swim, choosing ones a physiotherapist showed me that proved to be easy and helpful. Two years ago when I ripped the ligaments in my right arm and checked into ER to make sure it wasn’t broken, the doctor checking my case asked me how did I get to be 87 (at the time) and only have sciatica. My answer: ancestors and swimming. But the strongest reason has turned out to be swimming.
I have been unable to have my daily swim since Covid-19 has closed the pool in my building and i have deteriorated ever since. I tried a few inadequate exercises at home as the pain increased. Not enough. I am in constant pain: lower back, weak legs, headache, even a jaw ache that makes it painful to chew. I started printing out exercises to try to help but I didn’t do them enough. I’ve gone through all the depression and gloom and hopelessness and anger associated with never-ending pain. Early one morning last week (3-4 a.m.) I actually turned on and listened to one of those endless videos which promises to tell you everything you need to know after a 15-minute sales pitch. I actually signed on (i.e. bought) a video and book to teach me what to do. I’m still waiting for delivery, but I am on the mailing list and i have been receiving pep talks and mini-videos with quicky exercises I can do to help myself, so I have increased my efforts—for the last three days. No miracles yet but I live on hope
- and one Tylenol a day.