Ever since the indoor pool in my apartment building closed, because of Covid-19, I have been unable to have my daily morning swim and exercise work out which kept my sciatica at bay. In spite of (inadequate) exercise at home, my pain became worse and worse. I hate taking pills so I kept on suffering and hoping for some respite which never came.  Finally  I had a meltdown and phoned my doctor and was granted a phone consultation, and prescribed a powerful drug to ease me—with powerful side effects, dizziness the worst of them for me.  The morning after the first pill I was clutching the walls to stay upright. I thought i had learned to navigate but thee days later I fell (no handy wall to hang on to) and gouged a hole in my shin and a bruise on my tailbone the pain of which counteracts the respite I am receiving for the sciatica.   

That’s all for now. I’ll try to think of a happy ending.