I’ve told you that rule before. So before I go on with Marla, I have to take a fork in the road… a nice fork. Yesterday was Mardi Gras, also known as Pancake Tuesday (aka Shrove Tuesday) and I reverted to a family tradition: Buttermilk Pancakes. I have a darling young family to revive it with. The grands and the greats came last night for pancakes. After all these years, I remembered the recipe - a very special one; it’s in my first cookbook, which is long since out of print . Remind me to give it to you, some time. Anyway, my very young greats are competent eaters and it was fun to cook for them and their respective parents. Such a pleasure—also tiring, because I am so old. So what I had to do besides prep, enjoy, clean up and rest, was report and thank.
Might I just add to your blog that I also had your buttermilk pancakes last Tuesday.....always delicious. Virginia
Nice! Thank you, Virginia.
But then—I had to finish the screenplay. I count on my wet meditation (swim) to help me with that. I had a brand new scene, never written before, that I needed to finish the story. I knew where it was taking place and who was in it but I had to figure out what they would do and say. It came while I swam. Then I’m like a court reporter, just writing down what my characters say to me. I am a creative amanuensis, and very grateful.
When I say finished, I mean I’m ready to show it to the people who asked for it. More to come, I’m sure.
I hope.
And Marla is still to come. It’s kind of a pleasure to keep her with me. Until tomorrow.