who sighed?

That was me, not my socks, sighing

You should see my sock drawer. It’s gorgeous, full of happy socks.I didn’t understand Kondo’s folding until I came to my one pair of leg warmers and two pairs of knee highs. They have to be folded, in thirds. Kondo claims your socks will be happy when they are unfettered. I’m happier, too, and I have more socks. Without folded tops, they were aimless, and I didn’t follow Kondo’s folding technique. We’ll see how long they last now before they go wild. A couple were missing the mate, fancy ones—one martini sock and one Raggedy Anne striped sock. They’ll show up. My fitted sheets swallow them in the wash, and get folded away. I can wait.

Marie Kondo: The Life-Changing Magic of Ttdying Up : the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing. (2011)