Not ready for words yet though I have a lot of them waiting to be looked up. No more retrospectives. Plans and projects are still just seedlings, too fragile to handle. i’d like to go back to the kind of speculation I enjoy, playing around with ideas. My favourite source of exploration is the TLS. Let’s see….
And that’s as far as I got yesterday not because I’m not thinking but because I’m thinking too much, along several disparate lines of thought, in fact.
I’m working on an essay for a contest that interests me. If I don’t win, I’ll submit it as a blog.
I have to write a “backgrounder” for the website my publisher has thrust upon me with copy that doesn’t sound like me, so I have to edit, aka rewrite it.
I’m still writing Christmas thank you notes and follow-ups, I grew up in an era and society that expected you to write your Xmas thank-yous before the New Year . Well, before next Christmas anyway.
Not to mention a new draft of an old screenplay with a new deadline that I must begin tomorrow.
That leaves my poor cobweblog blowing in the wind.