You would be amazed at how much I’ve done—just no blog. Anon
Later, much later, but I have a little energy left before I sleep. Backlog of words:
baldachin (also baldaquin), noun, a ceremonial canopy of stone, metal, or fabric over an altar, throne, or doorway. ORIGIN late 16th cent. (denoting a rich brocade of silk and gold thread): from Italian baldacchino, from Baldacco ‘Baghdad’, place of origin of the brocade.
phoneme noun, Phonetics: any of the perceptually distinct units of sound in a specified language that distinguish one word from another, for example p, b, d, and t in the English words pad, pat, bad, and bat. DERIVATIVES phonemic adjective, phonemics plural noun, ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from French phonème, from Greek phōnēma ‘sound, speech’, from phōnein ‘speak’.
morpheme noun, Linguistics: a meaningful morphological unit of a language that cannot be further divided (e.g. in, come, -ing, forming incoming). DERIVATIVES morphemic adjective, morphemically adverb, ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from French morphème, from Greek morphē ‘form’, on the pattern of French phonème ‘phoneme’.
pelmet noun, a narrow border of cloth or wood, fitted across the top of a door or window to conceal the curtain fittings. • Brit. informal a very short skirt. ORIGIN early 20th cent.: probably an alteration of French palmette, literally ‘small palm’ (see palmette) .
sarky adjective (sarkier, sarkiest) Brit. informal, sarcastic. DERIVATIVES sarkily adverb, sarkiness noun ORIGIN early 20th cent.: abbreviation. Try it?
aporia noun, an irresolvable internal contradiction or logical disjunction in a text, argument, or theory. the celebrated aporia whereby a Cretan declares all Cretans to be liars. • [ mass noun ] Rhetoric the expression of doubt. DERIVATIVES aporetic adjective ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: via late Latin from Greek, from aporos ‘impassable’, from a- ‘without’ + poros ‘passage’.
entheogen noun, a chemical substance, typically of plant origin, that is ingested to produce a nonordinary state of consciousness for religious or spiritual purposes. DERIVATIVES entheogenic adjective ORIGIN 1970s: from Greek, literally ‘becoming divine within’; coined by an informal committee studying the inebriants of shamans.
pleonasm noun [ mass noun ] the use of more words than are necessary to convey meaning (e.g. see with one's eyes), either as a fault of style or for emphasis. DERIVATIVES pleonastic adjective, pleonastically adverb ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: via late Latin from Greek pleonasmos, from pleonazein ‘be superfluous’.
conflate verb [ with obj. ] combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one: the urban crisis conflates a number of different economic, political, and social issues. DERIVATIVES conflation noun ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense ‘fuse or melt down metal’): from Latin conflat- ‘kindled, fused’, from the verb conflare, from con- ‘together’ + flare ‘to blow’.
Now I am tired. That’s enough.