Three fish (what was I reading?)
snook noun: a large edible game fish of the Caribbean which is sometimes found in brackish water.
gar noun: the freshwater garfish of North America.
shad noun (pl.same or shads): a herring-like fish that spends much of its life in the sea, typically entering rivers to spawn. It is an important food fish in many regions.
squamous adjective: covered with or characterized by scales: a squamous black hide.. ORIGIN late Middle English: from Latin squamosus, from squama ‘scale’.
imbricate chiefly Zoology & Botany verb: | [ with obj. ] (usu. as adj.imbricated): arrange (scales, sepals, plates, etc.) so that they overlap like roof tiles: these moulds have spherical bodies composed of imbricated triangular plates. • [ no obj. ] (usu. as adj.imbricating) overlap: a coating of imbricating scales. adjective: (of scales, sepals, plates, etc.) having adjacent edges overlapping.
nebulizer noun: a device for producing a fine spray of liquid, used for example for inhaling a medicinal drug. he needs to use a nebulizer to get drugs and oxygen to his lungs. ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from Latin nebula ‘mist’. [I thought this had something to do with outer space because I only knew the word nebula.]
Here’s two I get mixed up: oncology ontology
oncology noun: Medicine the study and treatment of tumours.
ontology noun: he branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being. ORIGIN early 18th cent.: from modern Latin ontologia, from Greek ōn, ont- ‘being’ + -logy.
necrotic / necrosis noun: necrosis, Medicine, the death of most or all of the cells in an organ or tissue due to disease, injury, or failure of the blood supply. DERIVATIVES necrotic adjective ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: modern Latin, from Greek nekrōsis (see necro-,-osis) .
menhir noun: a tall upright stone of a kind erected in prehistoric times in western Europe. ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from Breton men ‘stone’ + hir ‘long’.
vlog and vlogger I guessed these. A vlog is a video blog and vlogger is the creator of a video blog. Very time-consuming. The dictionary does not accept them - yet.
fugacioius adjective literary: tending to disappear; fleeting: she was acutely conscious of her fugacious youth. DERIVATIVES: fugaciously adverb, fugaciousness noun. ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: from Latin fugax, fugac- (from fugere ‘flee’) + -ious [I like this one!!] Also fugacity noun : 1 literary the quality of being fleeting or evanescent. (Ignore the chemical definition.)
strigil noun: 1 an instrument with a curved blade used, especially by ancient Greeks and Romans, to scrape sweat and dirt from the skin in a hot-air bath or after exercise; a scraper. 2 Entomology a comb-like structure on the forelegs of some insects, used chiefly for grooming. ORIGIN, from Latin strigilis, from stringere ‘touch lightly’. The term in entomology dates from the late 19th cent.
axionometric - not in my online dictionary.
That’s enough for today.