blog on, fair friends, blog on

Maybe today is the day. I have to go to a annual meeting over lunch and I hvae to negotiate a new contract before the end of the day, but I’ll try. (I PUT OFF THE CONTRACT NEGOTIATION UNTIL NEXT WEEK.)

Stop the World!

Here I am and it’s still today. I’ve been trying to keep my private(?), busy life separate from my blog but the blog suffers. So do I - like, - I’m tired. I have a lot I want to think and talk about but I keep running out of energy. I was saying the other day to a friend, quoting Proust, I think, something that he said about Art. He said art is unforgiving, meaning that if you don’t (try to) create art, then you have failed. No excuses. That’s it. For whatever reason, however valid your excuse for not showing up that day to make a difference, then - nada.

Not that my blog is “ART”, for heaven’s sake, but I have made a commitment to it and the days I fail to deliver, as I have failed so frequently in the past several, then - nada. No apologies.

Well, maybe it doesn’t matter. I am just reading the final pages of Youval Harari’s book, Twenty-One Lessons for the Twenty-First Century, and he says that not much of anything I say or do or think or that you say or do or think is valid any more., or will be for much longer. Homo sapiens (that’s us) won’t be relevant much longer as algorithms take over the world for us.

Wow. So I missed a few days. I don’t think anyone missed me. Well, I actually, I did. I missed me. I remember a line that - oh dear, I don’t remember - or know? - who said it - but here it is: “How do I know what I think until I see what I say?” It has to be a writer who said that.

Discoveries every day. I looked it up and I got it right and it is well known, attributed to E.M.Forster (1879-1970 ) but not quite. And discovery is right. The sentence seems to be the catalyst for “discovery writing’, that is, finding out what you’re doing or what you mean as you go along, or after you’ve said it.

What did I say?