Crazy week. Still trying to catch up.
Long Day's Journey Into Night (1942), by Nobel laureate in Literature Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953). That was the third play I saw at Stratford last week. I guess it was the third time i've seen it. I liked the first time, with William Hutt and Martha Henry. But face it. Actually I don't really like the play. I'm too young! It was modern, realistic, ahead of its time even, - -then. that was then, this is now, now even 10-20 hers ago. I'd seen all that kitchen-sink dissension and living room discord - middle-class friction - you know. I'd seen it before I ever saw Long Days' Journey. But I didn't like it. I like wit, comedy and satire better, My fault. So the play is well done,this new production in Stratford. I don't want to see it again. That's all.
Next: (still catching up)...