let us sing praise

Jennifer, my friend and computer guru, hauled me out of the quagmire I keep falling into with my computer.  That includes Squarespace - I am back, I still exist, I think, therefore I am.

Praise be.

Tomorrow I will have lots to say. In the meantime, I'll cut and paste the blog I wrote yesterday and stashed until I could send it out.

BLOG FOR JULY 15,  2018

Shut out by Squarespace.  Squarespace shut me out, but I can play around with words until if and when I get readmitted. Use the time well....          

malathion   noun [ mass noun ] a synthetic organophosphorus compound which is used as an insecticide.  ORIGIN 1950s: from ( diethyl) mal(eate) (see maleic acid) + thio- + -on.

WHERE did I read this?

proprioceptive  adjective  Physiology  relating to stimuli that are produced and perceived within an organism, especially those connected with the position and movement of the body. Compare with exteroceptive and interoceptive.  DERIVATIVES  proprioception noun,   ORIGIN early 20th cent.: from Latin proprius ‘own’ + receptive.

asymptote   noun   a straight line that continually approaches a given curve but does not meet it at any finite distance.

DERIVATIVES  asymptotic |ˌasɪm(p)ˈtɒtɪk| adjective,  asymptotically |asɪm(p)ˈtɒtɪk(ə)li| adverb

ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: from modern Latin asymptota (linea)‘(line) not meeting’, from Greek asumptōtos ‘not falling together’, from a- ‘not’ + sun ‘together’ + ptōtos ‘apt to fall’ (from piptein ‘to fall’).

febrifuge   noun   a medicine used to reduce fever. she employed a risky febrifuge and the fever finally broke.

DERIVATIVE  febrifugal   adjective   ORIGIN late 17th cent.: from French fébrifuge, from Latin febris ‘fever’ + fugare ‘drive away’. Compare with feverfew.   adjective, supposedly having the power to avert evil influences or bad luck: apotropaic statues.

apotropaic  adjective  supposedly having the power to avert evil influences or bad luck: apotropaic statues.  DERIVATIVES

apotropaically adverb   ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from Greek apotropaios ‘averting evil’, from apotrepein ‘turn away or from’ + -ic.   ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from Greek apotropaios ‘averting evil’, from apotrepein ‘turn away or from’ + -ic.

Okay, it’s a small – and maybe a repetitive-list . I’m not going to repair or augment it.  The good news is, for me, anyway, I'm back.   Squarespace  was out of bounds, or maybe I was.  Thanks to Jennifer, I'm back in my own domain. 

Praise be.