and the next thing you know -

 - tomorrow is already here.

I was going to write my blog last night but I wasn't the one who ran out of energy; my laptop was.  We're both  up and running now.  

Remember Linus in the Peanuts comic strip?  It ran from October 20, 1950 when its creator, Charles Schulz, was 28, to February 13, 2000, just days before he died. What about Pigpen? When I thought of them this morning, I found they were mixed up in my mind. Charlie Brown's friend, Linus, was very smart and addicted to his blanket, never without it.  Pigpen didn't appear very often but he was memorable, carrying around a miasma of dirt, just as Joe Bltsplk (sp?) in Li'l Abner carries his own storm cloud.  It's Pigpen I compare myself to, surrounded as I am by a detritus of paper scraps and scribbles.  I was looking for one particular one this morning. I found a lot of things, but not that one, jotted and noted only yesterday.  I'll have to wing it.

This is not the blog(s) I intended; that's still to come - my reviews of Stratford. But this idea, lost in a quagmire of paper, is still valid  to me and worth noting, if only faultily, from memory.  I read the account of a recent survey of people's thoughts. (People get paid for this kind of research now, difficult to gather, I suppose. I wonder how much it pays?)  Of all the thoughts one has each day- what I call the inner dialogue - it's reported that 98% of these are carryovers from the previous day and that of these 80% are pessimistic.  Do we have to know that? Anyway, I contest it.

I wrote it down because I wanted to offer a rebuttal. Or a reprieve.  No one should carry around recurring, repetitive bad vibes. Talk about stress! It's possible, and much more desirable, to think positive thoughts and, failing new ones, to carry them over from day to day,  I like new ones. That's why I make notes, reminders and noodges. I'll go through a pile of them soon, to demonstrate.  You know what a Commonplace Book is? (That's a whole 'nother blog.)  It's a collection of ideas and thoughts, quotations and queries - ponderables.   (Auto-Chek isn't going to like this one; I don't know how to insist.)

I guess this is a Commonplace Blog.  

Enjoy.  (I do.)

Stratford report tomorrow.