I went to a Designer-Playright (ten of each) meeting the other night arranged by the Playwrights' Guild of Canada, of which I am a long-time member. (I'm long-time everything now.) We each had to introduce ourselves and explain what we do and/or why we were there.
Yes, well, you know all this: I am so old I have lost family, friends, furniture, doctors, dentists, producers, publishers, agents, PR persons and contacts. They are all retired or dead or have lost their marbles. I went to that meeting to see what the next generation of creators is doing: wonderful young people (young to me: between 30 and 50 years old). They're doing a lot, or should I say, like, a lot?
I met a man, a designer, but that's hardly an adequate description. He is just finishing a knitting project: three "stained glass"windows depicting, respectively, Christian, Jewish and Muslim symbols and themes. Each panel measures nine feet by five feet and he is trying to figure out how to mount them and what kind of creative work - play?- to incorporate them in. Yes - knitted, and looking like stained glass (different strands and textures of wool enable a viewer to see light shining through and around the images). It has taken Kirk Dunn fifteen years to create this work. His wife, Claire, is a playwright and a director and a supporter and a fan. Wow.
I talked to two young men (45 years younger than I is young) who talked video games to me. One of them, Gavin McDnald, a lighting designer, told me the correct order of the Star Wars series. The other, Alex Dault, a playwright-plus-director (plus a whole lot more) described a terrifying ( to me) game called Under the Root. I'll check it out.
Opportunist that I am, I pitched this man a play of mine in a subsequent email and thus began a correspondence. I am going to his theatre next week to attend a play-reading of three new plays.
I'm keeping young.