I went to a Creator’s Meeting last night, given (a real gift!) by the Playwrights’ Guild of Canada (PGC) for members who are either directors or playwrights (sometimes both), ten of each, attendance determined on a first-signup - first accepted basis. I was the first to sign up, so eager, and I went to the last ones too, for designers and playwrights and before that for directors and playwrights. In the meet-and-mingle session we had to ask why we were there.
My answer is easy: because my contemporaries are dead. Or retired or gaga. I’m still here and I want to meet the youngsters 20, 30, 40 years younger than I, who are coming along and find out what they are doing. There’s more theatre in Toronto than there used to be and more venues and opportunities and more variety, so these people are getting produced, reaching an audience, broader and more varied than it was, too. They’re working!
At the other end of the spectrum, I attended a salon conducted by CSARN (Canadian Senior Artists’ Resources Network) -
- and then I got cut off. It’s the end of the day now and the battery is feeing better than I am. So, about this salon: contemporaries or almost, much closer to my age, anyway, and delightful people - senior artists, retired- and some of them even knew who I was, that is, who I used to be.
We’ll see what happens next.