Yesterday I was focusing on Neil Pasricha's Awesome Books but did you notice how awesome he is? According to Wikipedia, he launched his blog in 2008 and by 2009 he had 10 million hits, followed by international best-sellers based on his awesome idea. Wow.
I have 2 regular likes. When I hit a chord -or something- I rise to 3 or 4. Yesterday I hit 9. I do have lurkers, readers who lurk in the shallows and who comment once in a while on something they feel lukewarm enough about to express it: a correction of a typo, a moot bit of grammar, a point of information about my topic. Nothing I ever write will go viral, nor do I want it to. I was tempted, early on, to give the odd pointer on sexual technique but I decided against it. Others can do that and do it quite well, though they may not be as imaginative or innovative as I am. They'll never know.
My blog is a cobweb blog, spinning along with random thoughts, catching whoever flies by and pauses for a moment to share a thought. Initially I subtitled my blog "a garden of literary delights", and it can be that. I love reading, I love words, I love language. I also love magic and fantasy. I have a pretty good memory and I have lived a long time so I have a lot to remember. So I'm not likely to run out of blog fodder. Also, I keep on learning, as those of us who are lucky enough keep on doing as long as we can.
So I guess my blog is just a gentle, quiet rumination as I drift (plunge? - not yet) into old age.
Okay, Browning (1812-1889): "Grow old along with me! / The best is yet to be, /The last of life,/ For which the first was made."
That's all for now.