if this is thursday it's still boston

Time is different here, living with different people, with a different schedule.  And my schedule is different, too: lunch out two days in a row, hanging out with two of my granddaughters who manage to come by to see me, bless them. As you might expect, given my age, they are adult young women, and delightful, with minds and purposes of their own, So I am busy in a different way than at home. I thought I might be, with new impressions and information to assimilate, so I brought a list of recent words with me, to keep track of my vocabulary discoveries. There might be something I've been waiting for. You too.

phylum noun) 1 Zoology a principal taxonomic category that ranks above class and below kingdom, equivalent to the division in botany  2 Linguistics a group of languages related to each other less closely than those forming a family, especially one in which the relationships are unclear.  ORIGIN late 19th cent.: modern Latin from Greek, phulon ‘race’.  I can't relate this to anything. I have to think.

stochastic  adjective  technical:   having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analysed statistically but may not be predicted precisely.  DERIVATIVES  stochastically  adverb  ORIGIN  mid 17th cent.: from Greek stokhastikos, from stokhazesthai ‘aim at, guess’, from stokes ‘aim’.  WHERE do I get these words??  WHAT have I been reading?? Put that book down!

coprolite noun  Palaeontology  a piece of fossilised dung.  ow there's a word I can use, not technically but as a useful insult.

fissiparous adjective ;  nclined to cause or undergo division into separate parts or groups. the fissiparous tendencies innate in tribalism. she was unsuccessful in holding a fissiparous membership together.• Biology (of an organism) reproducing by fission: small fissiparous worms.  ORIGIN   mid 19th cent.: from Latin fissus, past participle of findere ‘split’, on the pattern of viviparous.

taxonomy noun [ mass noun ] : chiefly Biology  the branch of science concerned with classification, especially of organisms; systematics.• the classification of something, especially organisms: the taxonomy of these fossils.• [ count noun ] a scheme of classification: a taxonomy of smells.  DERIVATIVES  taxonomic  adjective, taxonomical  adjective, taxonomically adverb,t taxonomist noun  ORIGIN early 19th cent.: coined in French from Greek taxis ‘arrangement’ + -nomia ‘distribution’. I am tired of these words.I hope I come pin something better. I'm sure you do too.

bricolage noun  mass noun {in art or literature) construction or creation from a diverse range of available things. the chaotic bricolage of the novel is brought together in a unifying gesture.• [ count noun ] something constructed or created from a diverse range of things. bricolages of painted junk.  ORIGIN French.  I THINK MY BLOG IS A BRICOLAGE.

comity  noun: an association of nations for their mutual benefit.• (also comity of nations) [ mass noun ] the mutual recognition by nations of the laws and customs of others  .2 [ mass noun ] courtesy and considerate behaviour towards others. a show of public comity in the White House. ORIGIN mid 16th cent. (in sense 2): from Latin comitas, from comis ‘courteous’.

Hegira noun:  Muhammad's departure from Mecca to Medina in ad 622, marking the consolidation of the first Muslim community.• the Muslim era reckoned from Muhammad's departure from Mecca: the second century of the Hegira.• (hegira)an exodus or migration  .ORIGIN via medieval Latin from Arabic    ‘departure’, from hagjara ‘emigrate’.

shambolic adjective informal, chiefly Brit.chaotic,  disorganised, or mismanaged: the department's shambolic accounting.  DERIVATIVES  shambolically adverb  ORIGIN 1970s: from shambles, probably on the pattern of symbolic. I Ilike this one, finally.

fritillary |frɪˈtɪləri|noun (pl. fritillaries)1 a Eurasian plant of the lily family, with hanging bell-like flowers

●Genus Fritillaria, family Liliaceae: numerous species, in particular the snake's head .2 a butterfly with orange-brown wings that are chequered with black.●Subfamilies Argynninae and Melitaeinae, family Nymphalidae: Argynnis and other genera, and numerous species.  ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: from modern Latin fritillary, from Latin fritillus ‘dice box’ (probably with reference to the chequered corolla of the snake's head fritillary). There's a drawing of it in the online dictionary but it won't move.

 If anyone is still with me, thank you!  You deserve better than this. I have some other notes I brought with me. I'll try again tomorrow.  Is it raining where you are?  It's the beginning of fall.