when it’s good it’s very very good but when it’s bad it is horrid

I  tried for a long time yesterday to cut and paste that piece about new-fangled punctuation marks complete with illustrations of the marks but I couldn’t get the marks to come through.  I don know what to do.  I’ll search for the source of the article.

It wasn’t the only frustrating run-in I had with computer technology yesterday. How maddening it is, and how time-consuming!  It isn’t always my fault, either, though I am quick to acknowledge that it may be.   Different programmers operate in different ways and you have to be on their wavelength before you pass.  And then there are the endearing glitches that one’s own computer develops; for example, mine won’t accept the deletion of an email address when a friend changes hers.  I have several recipients now to whom I must send a message to two, sometimes three, addresses in the hope that she will receive one. The daemon mailer sends one back but I can’t tell which one. Don’t tell me, it won’t do any good. I have a short-term memory for these things.

On top of that, other people have their problems.  Yesterday I nagged a company for an overdue payment of funds owing o me.  Guess what?  They’ve lost my invoice, please send it again.  Think I can find it?  Oh dear.

And all I want to do is hunker down – no, up, with my injured leg raised while I work, so I must be at the laptop and not the desktop – hunker up and be creative.

The source of hunkers, BTW, is probably the old Scottish word, haunches, so down is probably the right direction to use with it. My use of it means I must apply myself seriously to a task.  I love the word task and I love my task.

So that’s all for now, folks, techie gods willing.