define fine



I’ve quoted Katherine Hepburn and Buckminster Fuller before but all (two) of you don’t always read everything I write and I need to repeat myself sometimes, though I have a general horror of doing so.  I am struggling to be positive and well even though I am dragging my leg (and my ass).  So I think of the two afore-mentioned role models.

Katherine Hepburn said there was only one answer to the question, “How are you? “and that is  “Fine. I’m fine.”  And then, you may remember, I quote her lines from The Philadelphia Story (1940), the play that Philip Barrie wrote for her:

“Hello! Isn’t it a fine day, though! Is everyone fine? That’s fine! My, I’m hearty.”

See, I’m trying to be hearty.

And then there’s Bucky Fuller.  He said when people say they feel fine they mean they don’t feel anything, that is, nothing hurts.  That’s what I would really like to feel now, nothing.  I mean, that nothing hurts.  Well, I guess that everyone walks around with greater or lesser degrees of pain, from a corn or callus or hangnail to something more serious and heavy-duty.  You take pain off at night, if you’re lucky, and you put it on in the morning.  Again, if you’re lucky, you get fleeting moments free of pain, moments when you feel “fine”. What is the time difference, exactly, between a moment and a second? I think a moment is longer.

Anyway, I am trying to be fine. It’s not so bad.

Hey, a wrap-up to yesterday’s blog about the Moebius Strip. I forgot to tell you this. Take your strip and with scissors cut down the line you drew on it without cutting it open.  See what you get? Maybe you already knew that, too, but I think it’s a nice surprise every time I do it.

Not to put too fine a point on it.