If at first you don't succeed, try try try try again, dammit! This is the last time today....
Here’s a funny thing. I wrote it in my early morning journal, and then I decided to share it because it’s still with me. I was thinking about the day and week to come and about the week’s dinners: scallops for Lesley tomorrow; lamb chops for Richard on Wednesday; a delicious meal at Marlene’s and Jeff’’s on Thursday, and I wondered about Bill. Does he like Lesley? Will he enjoy Richard? Will Marlene and Jeff mind including him? And then I wondered how it was that he hadn’t met them. Where has he been? He doesn’t travel that much and …it hit me. He’s gone. He’s dead. (He died 43 years ago.) Shock, I was shocked, but it was a nice kind of shock. He’s still with me. Where was he that he hadn’t met them, because he was with me. Oh my. How blessed I am! I’m not alone.
I’m still sick, struggling to be well.