one thing after another

Or maybe all at once.  Edith Sitwell commented that life isn't one thing after another, it's the same damn thing over and over again. It feels like it, anyway.  I was so busy at the computer yesterday with a load of disparate tasks that I never got to my Blog - too stiff to sit there any longer.  But then I sat and watched The Bletchley Circle on WNED, a new three-part murder mystery series, all three.  

I had lots of busy things to set up: a return flight to London England for a theatre tour in January, plus the insurance; a breakfast speech to WEN (Writers & Editors Network) to give in a couple of weeks; a pitch to Ryerson University for some playwriting workshops and a reading (very time-consuming!); contact with a new-to-me travel agent for my Easter Island cruise in April; the dispatch of a photograph of my cracked toilet seat to my son, asking for advice and a few acknowledgements and replies to my e-mail messages.

Every day I keep saying I'm going to catch up with my paper correspondence with people I must honour with snail mail. And every day other things get in the way. Ah well, it's  long weekend, so I'll have more time to work. 

I'll think about it while I swim. Maybe I can think of something worthwhile to write in my blog.