I´m having trouble. I tried to edit what I´d written and my copy wouldn´t allow editing. So I couldn't give you the dates for Laxness and Þordarson. Laxness: 1902 - 1998; Þordarson: 1889-1974. I don't know the latter's work at all. You're on your own. Among contempoary writers, I know a bit about Sjón; he took his nom de plume from his name Sigurjón. I read his novel The Blue Fox (in translation) and can't remember it. I note that he is also a performer-musician, having worked with Björk. I know the mystery writers better: Arnaldur Indriþason and Yrsa Sigursdottír, very different from each other and each of them very popular. I gave my collection of Indriþason to the ICCT library so you can borrow a copy, if you live in Toronto, by appointment with Kara Schuster. I recommend that you keep reading Logberg Heimskringla (Icelandic-Canadian newspaper) and The Icelandic Connection (magazine) to keep you up to date with current Icelandic writing. It´s worth reading!