I've said that before. And I'm busier than most Sea Days because I'm working on a pitch for a movie I'm writing with a partner on whose book it is based. By a most serendipitous event I have an opportunity to meet with a film director tomorrow when we dock in L.A. He may find it mutually beneficial to co-operate on the production of our movie, so I am working on the log line and the synopsis to present to him. Running out of time, I may have to pitch him verbally. Anyway, the several (five) Sea Days it has taken us to sail to Los Angeles have been both busy, cruise-wise, and productive, film-wise. But I miss my ergonomic chair at home.
I have skipped several "enrichment" lectures but I have continued to play Trivial Pursuit. A lot of people I have known for 2 or 3 months now are getting off in LA. and I will miss them, including some of my team players. A huge number will be boarding for the transit of the Panama Canal, bringing the ship up to its full capacity for passengers (584, I think, double occupancy). I'm not sure if I can cram ay more names and faces into my mental Rolladex file. I may have to resort to "Hey you!" smiling all the while.
More foreign countries coming up, too: Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama Canal, Columbia, and then Florida. So it ain't over till it's over. I've run out of toothpaste and calcium pills, and my silver-haired shampoo and I'm sick to death of my clothes, so Ugess it's time I turned to thoughts of home.
But I'm still having a good time. We had another Premium Wine-Tasting yesterday and four people gave me their caviar (to go with the champagne sample) Num.