It was a lovely fall day in Hobart yesterday, much like a September day in Toronto. The population of Hobart is 250,000 but it seems larger because covers a lot of territory and spans the Derwent, a very broad river whose Estuary makes a wonderful harbour, considered one of he most beautiful natural harbours in the world. Surrounded by hills climbing up from the sea, with the largest, Mount Wellington (4,166 feet) the city appeals for the scenery but also for the historic impact because it was built originally by convicts and many of colonial cottages and handsome sandstone buildings still remain. We saw these during an informative drive around the town after an oyster and wine-tasting gathering at Berilla Bay, up in the hllls on a beautiful salt water (of course) bay.
I learned more about oysters than I needed to know, including the difference in taste and texture when the oyster is pregnant (or whatever). During the demo, including a walk over paths of crushed oyster shells, to see the oyster racks - at low tide and such a beautiful day - I was given (thrust) a freshly shucked oyster to eat. It needed lemon: very salty. Later, we assembled in a gazebo for oysters - with lemon - and tastings of four different wines. Tasmanian wine is good and we'll never get it. Enough is produced for domestic consumption but it's so popular it seldom makes it off the island. I enjoyed it while I could. I'm learning more about wine all the time. I'll probably drink less and savour it more when I get home, but that won't save me much because the prices will escalate with my taste.
I returned to the ship in time for the afternoon session of Trivial Pursuit. Very soon I will consider the politics of this game, which is meant to be a diversion but which has become a playing field for warring factions. I suppose one could write a murder mystery with TP as the catalyst, and maybe the clues could be TP questions? You can have the idea if you want it; I have too much to do to pursue it.