Hard to believe, that another month has gone by; even harder to believe that we still have two months and 10 days to go. Time to make and break several new/old habits. We crossed the equator this morning and I was among the polliwogs to be made to kiss a fish and have green slime poured over us in order to be a genuine shellback. I've been trying to get the green ski out of my hit and off my skin ever since. Three showers, ne mineral bath and one sauna have not fully eliminated the sticky stuff. But I'm a shellback, an that's what counts.
As I told you, we have two Sea Days now and I'm going to get organized. - any day now. I finally understood how big an island Borneo is. We kept sailing to other parts of it with different names and I couldn't understand. I think I have to take Geography 101 when I get home. It would help with the Trivial pursuit questions, too.
I slipped into the Fitness Centre yesterday to weigh myself on the scales there and I have lost two pounds, I'm happy to say. Not sure why, though I do try to stick to Weight Watcher Points. But I keep drinking. Ah well, I have two months to make or break my habits.