Kota Kinibalu. I think I got that right. It's the second largest city next to Borneo. I think I got that right. The good news is that I had chosen a drive-by tour for today: a bus trip past the highlights with a few stops for photo ops and a pause in a resort hotel for a "free" drink.I chose the local beer over a sweet rum soda confection. We returned for (a late) lunch, followed by a nap, with time for thought. A good day for my foot. I walked almost normally'
We all know that the collective understanding of a theatre audience is greater than its individual intelligences. I think that the opposite is true, that the common sense of a group of sightseeing tourists is lower than the sum of its parts. All you can hope for is that you're not the one to take the wrong turn or make the goofy move or get the time mixed up or get left behind. This has happened a couple of times on this trip, the most egregious error taking place at Great Wall. Providing you're not the one who goofed,it's sort of funny. Sort of. It takes a journey like this involving prolonged encounters with strangers to make you aware of how weird you are. Me, that is, not only all the others. It's terrifying when you come to think of it: putting together 400 disparate people, each with their separate quirks and foible,s and trying to create happy experiences for them and pleasant memories. I keep remembering that line from The Lady's Not for Burning (Christopher' Fry's play, 19--, when the mother comments fearfully on two young people who have fallen in love and run off, that they have "thrown themselves under the wheels of happiness." The unswerving pursuit of pleasure is a risky business.