here I am

You didn't hear from me  yesterday because my WiFi took a break. It took me a while to realize it and when I did, I blamed Rogers because in January they suspended me too early although I had cancelled the suspension when my ship was damaged and the cruise truncated.  I thought R had gotten the date mixed up again.  Well, good comes out of most things. (Do you believe that?) While I lay awake from 2 till 4 a.m. I went through three months' of DayTimer pages, taking notes on what I still had to do - something to calm me down - hah!  But organized. 

Yesterday I hand-wrote a note to a friend who is dying, in palliative care, or so I thought, and me without a car and too busy to visit. So I wrote a leave-taking note with my good wishes and praise for the life he has lived.  Both of us, I said, are departing, not sure when/if we'll return. 

My tenses were wrongl  My friend died five days ago.  His widow will receive my  note - not quite sympathy, not optimistic, but very positive.  It is what it is.  I am making plans for when I get back but whatever happens is okay.  I called this trip my bucket list when I first read about it, and if it is my final drop in the bucket, it's okay. That's one of the nice things about being old. It's okay.