I wrote my February generic letter today and I've got it mixed up with my blog and my diary. I do hate repeating myself but it's hard to keep me discrete (sic). I seem to keep bogging down (blogging down?)into a limbo state, halfway between then and now, but then, when you come right down to it, that's where any of us is - between then and now, I mean.
So what did you learn today? What did I learn? Well, I'm cooking chicken for Matt, who is coming for dinner, and I'm doing a new-to-me Weight Watchers oven version of southern fried. I don't have any Panko (I didn't even know what Panko was until about a year ago), but I found a slice of bread in the freezer and crumbled it. It's not much different, taste-wise, this chicken, that is, but way less fat. That's not really a big lesson, but a useful one.
I read the Sunday NYT online today. It's not the same. My joy used to be the Sunday NYT paper issue, delivered to my door and I would spend the day with it, reading and clipping things for me and others. Now I send newsy items and ideas by email. During the week I read too much of the daily NYT and I must ration my time and choices. On the other hand, I signed on for the Cooking column to come to me online and it is loverly. I don't, of course, have to cook everything but I pick up ideas. I'm like a war horse, I guess, still responding though the battles are over. But, see, I learn something.
Every day.