This is what my friend Marla writes when she is completely disgusted or frustrated with something. I've started writing it, too.  Well, yesterday was a double-gak day. It's a good thing I'd had a good sleep the night before because it turned out to be a miserable, maddening, no-win, horrible day.  And it wasn't all my fault. Granted, I forget passwords. Doesn't everyone? We've had this discussion, I'm sure. But I have one contact that never seems to remember that I forget, or doesn't remember what I last remember, or sends me to different pages.  I just had to check my account balance and got waylaid.  Bless the assistant; she was very patient.  So was I. But by the time we were finished, I was tired. I almost didn't proceed to pay my bill (online, through my bank) when we were through  Good thing I did. 

I had deposited a cheque earlier in the day, in US dollars to a new US dollar account. (This had to do with a refund from my cruise people.)  When I went to pay my account with the above-mentioned company, my online bank message informed me that there were insufficient funds.  Nonsense! There was loads of money, much more than I usually have. So I phoned a help-line.  Turned out the teller had put the money in the wrong account, changed it into Canadian funds and put a hold on it till it cleared. Wrong wrong wrong.  More time fussing around until I got it straightened out.  I checked this morning.  The bill was paid, but the cheque is still on hold till they make sure I'm not cheating them?


By that time I was too tired to write more in my daily blog for yesterday.  Hey, I've noted before that I couldn't do the work I do without a computer and the various services available and I am grateful. I can still remember typing out copy. It was a slow process and I never could afford a secretary/assistant/amanuensis/whatever. But when things go wrong, one is worse than delayed or hindered.  One is screwed, if you'll pardon my language. Up a tree, up a creek, behind the eight ball - what do people say these days to express total helplessness as they struggle with a balking computer?