
I was thinking some more about my seedbed bookcase, looking it over. It's always a surprise.  Ideas that attracted me still amaze me and get the cogs going.  Take Erving Goffman (1922-1982). I often do. I first came across him in 1972 wen I read  a review of his book, Relations in Public, New irk, Basic Books.  He was already well known by that time, well on his way to what he is now considered to have been one of the finest sociologists of the 20th century. I began to buy and read his books, most published before that review I kept. I have:

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, 1959

Encounters: Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction, 1961 (but my edition is dated 1985)

Behavior in Public Places, 1963

Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity, 1963

Of course, I'm not a sociologist, but I found what Goffman has to say - and you'll pick up on it immediately from his titles - I found his insights enormously fascinating and useful to my development as a playwright.  I even found some of my notes indicated possibilities of plays based on his analyses of people and their relationship.  .Later I was told  that Goffman was on a drama course at the National Theatre School.  

Not only are there not enough hours in each day to do what I want to do, learn, think about, accomplish and write, there aren't enough years in my life. The darn thing is, in spite of my desire, I get tired.  I  goof off, I take naps, I play.  What am I going to do?