when you are old and grey and full of sleep...

...and nodding by the fire"  (from one of my favourite poems by Yeats.)  Yes, well, it's a good thing I don't have a fireplace any more because i don't have time to nod by it.  I can't believe how busy I am, and with deadlines and priorities. I won't go into details; everyone has details. I used to think how nice it would be when i got to be eighty, that I would have time not to nod by the fire but to catch up with lot and lots of reading.  Not.

The thing is, there's always more reading to do, not just the classics, some of which I missed (I never did read War and Peace), but always more new books to read, really good books that I must read - when I have the time? So I keep buying them and I need more bookcases but most of all I need more time.  I keep forgetting how old I am. So then when I remember, I sigh.Well, maybe next week, or next month, or next  year.

Well, maybe when I'm ninety.