did you miss me?

Here's a funny thing:  I have a Blog Block today.  

I went away again, to London, ON this time, by train. (I love trains.) I took a friend from there to Stratford (she drove) to see A Midsummer Night's Dream, and went back to spend the night so we could talk in the morning before I took the train home.  It sounds great and it was, but I'm still dragging and coughing with my endless cold so it was also tiring.  For two nights now I have gone to bed at 8:30 which is not a good idea because after 5  hours I am AWAKE.  So then I spend two or three hours doodling online before i can sleep again until time to swim.  Back-ass-wards.  I had no Wifi access in London and then I had no right-brain access at home so here I am, behind in my blogging.  

Did you miss me?  I did.