
I've been working through files and clippings all day, still poking away at my new book (about aging) and I keep coming across material that's good for a blog. Before I begin, let me draw  your attention to a delightful source of ideas and thinking about writing, mainly.  It's called Draft, and you can find it at  

It's late in the day and before I know it, it will be tomorrow, so I'll give you/me a list of ideas to return to and dwell on at some future time.  Herewith, in no particular order: boxes; colouring one's hair; on blowing out x number of candles; familiar essays (Addison and Steele);  memories (lots); the Queen's handbag; the Lysistratagem; keep it simple, stupid; archives; allusions, or the well-read nerd; writing, speaking computing; "blind-sided by technology"; ice-fishing; dumpsters; what if Ophelia had kept a diary?; Leacock's fear of banks; women writers and old age; wise, how to be; iClouds and me; sleep, insomnia, dreams, and the wee small  hours;  recipes - want any?; the problems of longevity; on being ugly; the philosophy of the obituary.

That'll do for now.  Do  you have any requests?