up in the air, no, all at sea

Newsy item: there was a fire in the engine room of "my" ship, Insignia,  last week, and it was serious and tragic: three people died and two others are in hospital, in critical conditions haven't heard  more. The ship as moored at St. Lucia, so all the passengers were safely evacuated.

Now what?  First the investigation and the clearing of personal and official accounts, the the ship will have to be taken into dry dock to assess the damage and do the repair work.  How long will it all take?  Who knows?  So we are in limbo, halfway between then and now and wondering where we'll be next week. 

You'e heard that expression very popular right now: "It is what it is."

Yes, that's what it is.  

More tomorrow.   I hope.

Note: my travel blog has just begun, not on a high note.