It is so hard to reach people you want to pitch. They have such barriers to keep them inaccessible. I have tried but if the person you want to catch is hiding behind or being protected by technical fences, it's impossible. I think it must be horrible these days for a woman to be an executive's mistress. Imagine if she tries to call him, the obstacles she'll encounter:
If you are his wife, press 1
If you are his daughter and you want to buy some new clothes, press 2; opt out of school, press 3, 4 and 5
If you are his son and have wiped out the car, press 6 1/2
If you are his mistress, press 7
If you are pregnant, press 911
What if you just want to get him to read a letter?
I want to talk to Matthew Jocelyn, artistic director/producer at Canadian Stage. Sure, he's on Facebook and Twitter and all that, but totally inaccessible. I attended the theatre last week, and I had a nice reminder note that my engagement was the next day; there was a note tucked into my seat about the coming season; and a follow-up note hoping I enjoyed the play. (I did.) As if someone cared. I wrote back and asked how to get in touch with Mr. Jocelyn. No answer.
It's a one-way street, I should say, a one-way internet highway. I'm road kill.