New Year's Eve separates people. There are those who want to sing and shout and frolic with crowds and there are those who become even more introspective than usual and hunker down to brood in silence. i'm obviously in the latter camp and so are you if you are reading this. When my husband was alive I used to say that my iideal NYE required 3 things: drink champagne and make love by the fire. Since then two out of three hasn't been bad, and there were a couple of years when I didn't have a fireplace.. So now I go to a spa/retreat, to drink champagne by the fire, and think. I have a lot of thinking to do this year. I'll try to be productive about it. I have slipped into a slough of despond and that is never creative. So I have a lot of work to do. I hope there's enough firewood. I wish you a good fire to heat your brain and warm your heart.