Here's a couple more words I bet you don't pronounce correctly: patina and flaccid. And that's all I have to say about that.
I have a sore arm (I was doing wall push-ups and pushed too hard), so I'm giving it a rest from swimming because it hurt. My father was a doctor and when people came to him and said "Doc, I can't lift my arm higher than this," he'd say," Well, don't." Excellent advice. Pain, he explained, is a limiting factor and by limiting your movements it enables you to heal. It's a nice excuse to scunge. That was a verb my father used to describe the inactivity of a person who lounged around in bed too long, in his estimation. I looked it up; it's a noun, referring to a not-very-nice person. I like the verb better. While I'm at it, here's another verb I like: guddle (I had to persuade SpelChek to accept it). It's what bears do fishing with their paws. I used it when I had 5/8 of my stomach removed. I said the surgeon guddled in my insides. There goes SpelChek again. And then there's hurple. As I understand it, it's the kind of movement an arthritic old woman makes when she's in a hurry. The poor old dictionary in my computer can't cope with words like that. I have Mrs. Byrne's dictionary of obsolete words. I think they're in there. But I'm scunging in bed right now and I don't feel like getting up to guddle in a dictionary. And that's all I have to say about that.