is it tomorrow already?

Not only is it tomorrow but it's almost over.  Again, no blog before I swam and then busy, busy, busy.  Does anyone remember Dorothea Brande? Well, me neither, I mean not in person.  She was born in 1893, died in 1948, and John Gardner, the novelist, drew her to my attention. I haven't read his novels.There aren't  many of them because he died prematurely - car accident, I think.  Anyway, I have his excellent books on writing: THE ART OF FICTION; ON BECOMING A NOVELIST; ON MORAL FICTION. Actually, I see she's not in the index of his books, but he wrote the foreword to a new edition of her book, BECOMING A WRITER (J.P. Tarcher, Inc. Los Angeles, 1981),  so I must have heard of it elsewhere.  I checked Amazon and she's still in print, the 1981 edition, plus a paperback published in 2002. Oh, she was ahead of her time.  She was into meditation, never used the initials TM, but that's what it was, and a strong devotee of "harnessing the unconscious", as she called it in one chapter (5), and of writing on demand, which I do because of her, but haven't yet applied it to my blogs, not enough. Simply, she tells  you to get up a little earlier in the morning (much earlier and I wouldn't go to bed), and go to paper/computer as fast as you can.  Don't do anything else.  Just do it.  Catch the alpha waves before they subside.  Just do it. I'm going to re-read the book right now.  It's mine, it's all marked up.  I'll be back tomorrow.