anyone for ripe bananas?

Years ago now I looked at all the cookbooks I owned and continued to buy and realised that if I started cooking from them from that moment on until I died I would never cover all the recipes. So I stopped buying cookbooks and reduced the number I had. Of course, now I own a thousand dollar (plus) cookbook on the net and I check it when I have food I want to use up or am curious about (epi-curious?). I still cook and explore and try new recipes or combinations every week, but I do not buy cookbooks. I still cope with leftovers, and I’m still making up things to do with them. (My first cookbook was about leftovers: Encore: The Leftovers Cookbook, McClelland & Stewart, 1975, I think.)

I’m careful, too, about paper clips. I need paper clips, like them better than staples, use a lot, but I own too many. But I’m still using a lot of paper because i like hard copy. Also when I’m working on a new project, I like to see what I’ve written - to mark it up and make notes. I print subsequent drafts on different coloured paper so I’ll know which generation I’m working on.

I’ve made a list of projects and ideas i’d like to write/explore and I’m going to offer it /them in a reading or workshop for others to carry on with because I have more ideas than I have time left to fulfil them. But I’m still drowning in a sea of paper. l’ve been going through clippings and reviews and essays and stuff with the intent to clear space and tidy up my life and mind. This is not easy. I like cluttering up my mind. I used to say "My mind to me a playground is.” At least now that I have a blog I can diffuse the clutter.

Be my guest.