No drive left.
In me.
Not dressed yet. I made coffee andI hope it will give me the push I need to have a shower and shampoo before lunch.
I hope so.
Ntohing. Zero. Nada. Rien.
This le low ebb.
I´ll have a shower toorrow.
I´ll try.
No promises.
No drive left.
In me.
Not dressed yet. I made coffee andI hope it will give me the push I need to have a shower and shampoo before lunch.
I hope so.
Ntohing. Zero. Nada. Rien.
This le low ebb.
I´ll have a shower toorrow.
I´ll try.
No promises.
I´M IIN LIMBO RIGHT NOW, on my way o a new year, dragging my feet n the old one which I have not finished yet, Christmas, that is.
I hope you had good one.
I´m feeling a little better, coughing A LOT, stomach upset, uncomfortable, sleeping a lot, but I´m gettng better, and laziier, watching a lodt of Netflix.
Must think about writing some letters and greetings and doing sometning aboujt my Christmas that wasn´t.
And I have to think about Christmases past.
Not yet.
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