what day is it?

I was sick, briefly , nothing important, but I Iost a day and then another because I was tired.

Just when I was resolved to catch up on my blog.

It was a good one, I think, conceived when I woke in the morning after a significant (to me ) dream.

I just got called to a meeting….


I thought it was a residents’ meeting to select movies for the next month. Not. It was another exercise class. I’m still stiff from yesterday’s workout and I had to leave after 15 minutes.

I ache.

I will be back. Believe me, I’m trying.

To conclude: the blog seemed very important, because it was about Matt and things I had learned about him, or that he had taught me, but in retrospect I realized that it wouldn’t be of much interest to you.

I figured out that he never complains because it didn’t do him any good. His boarding schcol was very disciiplined, intent on teaching him lessons. He forgot his mitts one cold day when the re was on a schoo outing and he was not alwed to go back and get them.

Teach you a lesson, they said.

He froze his hands.

Fortunately he came home for the.weekend. When I saw him. I called our famiily doctor and Matt spent the entire weekend wirh each of his hands thrust up to the ellbow in a pail of tepid water. while I read to him.

Another tiime, on another outing, hiking on the Bruce Trail, Matt fell and stumbled a lot and dveloped terrible blisters on his feet.They were a long time being treated (at home) and healing.

So I know now, when he has any kind of wound or ailment, not to believe him when I ask him how he feels, not to believe him when he says , “I’m OK.'“

He’s nor.

He had learned that there was no help coming.

That’s enough of that.

losing my grip

Getting a few little chores done.

If the laptop ,and maybe one or two of my dear faithful followers,, can make sense of me, you will know that today was November 14 .

I am zeroing in on me. Maybe we will make contact.

No promises, but I am hopeful.