it took longer than i thought

It always does.

Never mind.

No matter. I’m here now and I have a lot to say. I had an epiphany yeseterday morning, at the end of my dreams, or maybe it was still a dream. in any case, trhere was a lot going on and I never got to blogtime.

Here I am now, the next day (what day is it?), and it’s still not written. I’ll tell you what I can.


My alarm just went off to remind me that I have some program sessions to attemnd:

“Sit and Stretch” and ““Falls Prevention."

Both essential.

I’ll be back.


Not for long.

Tormorrow then.

too late

End of the week.

I’ll wrap it up tomorrow and get ready go go to a birthday party.. I ’ve said I never expected to live this long.

I certainly did’n’t expect to be going to birthday parties this late in my life. The birthday girl is a youngster, only 80.

I’ tomorrow, that is, the day after today, I think.